4:07:00 da tarde 0 comentários


Programa em que brilhou o disco de Coil "ANS" (Threshold House, 2003).

"In addition to some suitably odd printed art cards and scrying mirrors, every live box set also includes a black plastic clamshell containing this, a tour-only CD available at some of Coil's most recent shows. ANS contains three long tracks of about 20 minutes each, consisting solely of tones made with the Russian ANS synthesizer. Invented by Eugeny Murzin in 1938, only one ANS synthesizer has ever actually been built, and it sits neglected and obscure, collecting dust in the basement of Moscow State University since 1958. Coil were given access to experiment and record with the strange machine, and their experiments are chronicled on this disc. ANS is a "photoelectric" instrument that produces music via a completely unique process. The user must inscribe a series of line drawings that represent visible sound waves onto a series of glass discs. The shape, location and nature of the drawings determines the sound that the synthesizer produces, which encompasses the entire range of audible sound, 720 pure tones. Unfortunately, the fascinating history and musical theory behind the ANS instrument is ultimately far more interesting than the music Coil has managed to make with it. While there are many dramatic points of convergence buried within these abstract, long-form compositions, the overall effect is of dilettantes noodling around with an unfamiliar piece of equipment that reportedly takes years to properly master. Though there are some parts of ANS that are reminiscent of Time Machines, none of these pieces has the trance-inducing intensity of that album's minimalist drones. " Retirado de Brainwashed

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3:49:00 da tarde 0 comentários

Spirits of Life vs. Drums of Death

O programa de 11 de Fevereiro trouxe o diálogo cântico-percussivo entre os discos Spirits of Life, Haitian Vodou (Soul Jazz Records, 2005) e Drums of Death, Field Recordings in Ghana (Avant, 1998).

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5:40:00 da tarde 0 comentários

4 de Fevereiro

Nesta noite deu-se a ouvir o seguinte:

Emeralds - Magic (Solar Bridge, 2008)
Omit - Dropper (Dirth Beneath the Daydream, A Collection of Sound from Aotearoa/New Zeland - The Audio Foundation/The Wire, 2009)
Sonic Youth - Spoon (Can Mix) (Sacrilege, 1997)
Our Sleepless Forest - Nomads (Our Sleepless Forest, 2008)
Earth - Pavement (Phase 3: Thrones and Dominos, 1997)
Current 93 - Panzer Rune (Swatikas for Goddy, 1987)
Experimental Audio Research - Beyond the Pale (Beyond the Pale, 1996)
Skullflower - Starry Wisdom (Orange Canyon Mind, 2005)

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1:01:00 da tarde 0 comentários

28 de Janeiro

Programa de recurso ao que havia no bolso por infortúnio digital, explorando os seguintes discos:
Conrad Schnitzler -Trigger One, Solo Rhythmics - Trigger Trilogy, 2006; Intersystems - Peachy, 1967; 1995; Asmus Tiechens - Y Menge; e também a The Wire Audio Issue 20 Years 1982-2002 [Hands To - Egress (excpt.); David Toop & Max Eastley - Buried Dreams; Pauline Oliveros - I (excpt.)].

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